Cheltenham Racing Tips from Cordings

As we gallop towards the start of The Cheltenham Festival, we sat down with our resident racing expert, head of menswear, Conrad Manasseh whose family have been involved with national hunt racing for many, many years. Whilst Conrad wasn’t quite ready to give us all of his best racing tips, we were able to pry … Continued

The Cordings Covert Coat

Given its well-documented history and enduring popularity since its conception by Cordings in the 1900’s, the iconic covert coat has a lot to live up to. But live up to it, it certainly does. This is one of those classic British style pieces that reaches across the generations and speaks both of fine quality and … Continued

Fox Brothers and Cordings

In the late 1800’s, Cordings, already famed for their outerwear collection, noted that a less cumbersome coat would be a useful addition to the country gents’ wardrobe. It would need to withstand the rigours of daily life and yet retain its appearance, in a cloth that wouldn’t show dirt or horse hairs and be both … Continued